Gas Tax Threat

What: The DeWine $0.18 gasoline Tax hike is coming NOW! See Press Release following this message for details.

This is not a drill- THE THREAT IS REAL!
When: In a slick move, Columbus word has it that the vote WILL BE HELD AS EARLY AS THURSDAY THIS WEEK! 2 days hence, with no public hearings. Tyranny folks!

The Resistance Troops:  The Geauga Tea Party is acting in full support with several other tax resistance citizens groups including Portage County Tea Party and Geauga GOATS (Geaugans Outraged by Additional Taxes) plus several more Cuyahoga and Lake County tax resistance citizens groups. The troops we are rallying are YOU and EVERYONE  you know.

Plan: without delay, before 7AM Thursday WE and all our friends NEED TO MAKE phone calls to these politicians and let the following messages or something close to them.

To all reps the message should be the same:

Your political career is on the line if you support the regressive gas tax increase which singles out the poor and damages the State’s attraction of new businesses. Postpone any vote until public comment can be made. Vote NO!


STATE SENATOR 18th DIST. – republican: John Eklund Phone: 1-614-644-7718

STATE SENATOR 32nd DIST. – democrat: SEAN J. O’BRIEN Phone: 1-614-466-7182

STATE REPRESENTATIVE 76th DIST. – republican: Sarah Latourette Phone: 1-614-644-5088

STATE REPRESENTATIVE 99th DIST. – democrat: JOHN PATTERSON Phone: 1-614-466-1405